Members of Lanarkshire Philatelic Society support Uddingston Stamp & Postcard Club in enthusiastic numbers. The club meets on the second Monday of every month & features a variety of short displays by some of their over 30 members.


Meetings are held in Park Church Hall, Main Street, Uddingston & there is ample free car parking nearby. It's a 5 minute walk from Uddingston Railway Station & buses, both from Hamilton & Glasgow, stop virtually outside the front entrance.


Meetings commence at 10.30am with the doors opening around 10am & with meetings usually lasting until around midday.


Meeting Location



The cost is, currently, no meeting fee but there's, still, tea/coffee & biscuits included.



The next meeting date is


Monday November 11th 2024.


Future meetings

(always held on the second Monday of each month)

will be held on December 9th 2024

& 13th January, 10th February & 10th March 2025.



Do join us  ~~~  you'll be most welcome.