Lanarkshire Philatelic
Our Constitution.
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agreed at the AGM on 19 April, 2024
The society
shall be called the “Lanarkshire Philatelic Society”
The society
shall have for its object the study & encouragement of philately in all its
The affairs of
the Society shall be managed by a committee, which shall consist of the
following office bearers; namely the President, Vice-President, Secretary,
Treasurer, Press Relations Officer, Exchange Packet Secretary, Congress
Delegate and, also, two (2) other members, one of whom shall be the retiring
President. All elected committee members (except the Vice president & the
two (2) additional members) shall be required to submit a report to the AGM.
members may be appointed by, and will be responsible to, the committee if
they undertake an organisation task on behalf of the society.
The Office
Bearers & other members of the committee shall be elected at the Annual
General Meeting (AGM), shall hold office for one year & shall be eligible
for election, either to the committee, or to any other office. The office of
Secretary, Exchange Packet Secretary and that of Treasurer, may be held by
one person. Five (5) shall form a quorum of the committee.
The President
or, if absent, Vice President, or if both are absent, a member chosen by
those present shall chair all meetings of the society and its committee. At
all meetings of the society, or of the committee, the Chairman shall have a
deliberative vote and, in the event of an equality of votes, he/she shall
have, in addition, a casting vote.
The committee
shall have the power to fill, by co-option, any vacancy occurring in its
membership in the course of its year.
Two (2)
Accounts Scrutineers shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
& shall hold office for the coming year. They must be members of the
society. Their duties are to scrutinise all accounts & financial statements
of the society prepared for the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and report
accordingly to said meeting.
The committee
shall prepare & publish a syllabus of the meetings of the society. The
syllabus shall be deemed to provide adequate notice of all regular meetings
of the society, including the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Bank or
Building Society accounts, as directed by the committee, shall be opened in
the name of the society. All such accounts shall be operated normally by the
Treasurer, except those which may be used for the Exchange Packet section
which shall be operated normally by the Exchange Packet Secretary. All
accounts shall be capable of being operated by two (2) committee members and
all withdrawals from the society’s Treasurer’s account shall require the
signature of, at least, two (2) committee members. The committee shall
decide which of its members, besides the Treasurer & Exchange Packet
Secretary, shall have signing authority for the society’s accounts.
The Treasurer,
Exchange Packet Secretary & any other member entrusted with handling money
on behalf of the society shall keep correct books & accounts showing the
financial affairs of the society & statements verified by the Accounts
Scrutineers shall be prepared for each year ending 31st March for
submission to the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Members of the
Exchange Packet section of the society shall be bound by the rules of said
section, which shall be agreed by the committee.
The annual
membership subscription shall be such sum as shall be determined by the
members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) & shall be due on admission, &
annually thereafter on 1st October. Any member whose subscription
remains unpaid on 1st November may be debarred from the privilege
of membership until it is paid &, if still unpaid on 1st December,
the committee shall be entitled to delete his, or her, name from the role of
members. Any member wishing to resign shall intimate their intention, in
writing, prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Otherwise; he, or she,
shall be liable for the subscription for the ensuing year.
applications for membership, duly proposed & seconded, shall be submitted
personally to a meeting of the society and, after a lapse of at least two
(2) meetings from such submission & in the absence of any objections to
membership, the applicant shall be admitted to membership. If there are
objections, membership shall be decided by a two thirds majority of those
members present & voting.
The society
shall have the power to offer Life Membership, via a vote at a general
meeting, to a member who has given outstanding service to the society.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held on the date
published in the syllabus, or on such date as determined by the committee
and for which seven (7) days notice has been given, such meeting normally
being the last meeting of the session, for the purpose of
the accounts & reports for the past year
Office Bearers, Committee & Account Scrutineers
the membership subscription
Transacting any other competent business
The total
number of members present at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be
deemed to have formed the requisite quorum
The committee
may nominate a member (or members) to receive an honorarium. The amounts and
the recipient (or recipients) shall be determined by the committee but shall
be ratified by a member’s vote at the AGM. Any member nominated shall have
the right to refuse the awarding of said honorarium.
An Honorary
President and not more than two (2) Honorary Vice Presidents, who are
members of society and who have given long and/or outstanding service to the
society, or to philately in general, may be elected at the Annual General
Meeting (AGM). They shall not, by virtue of their office, have any voice in
the management of the society.
The committee
shall have the power to suspend, from all rights & privileges of membership,
for such period as they see fit any member whose conduct appears to be
prejudicial to the character, interests or good conduct of the society, or
who acts in defiance of its constitution & rules, or who, being a member of
the Exchange Packet Section, acts in defiance of the rules of that section.
Constitution may be altered only at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or at a
Special General Meeting convened for that purpose. Any proposals to alter
the constitution must be submitted, in writing, at least twenty (20) days
prior to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or, if a request be made for a
Special General Meeting, it must be supported by the signatures of ten (10)
members or ten per cent (10%) of the membership of the society whichever is
the less. On receipt of such a request and of the proposed alteration a
Special General Meeting shall be convened by the secretary. In both cases
the secretary shall give seven (7) days notice of the proposed alteration to
members. Such notice shall be deemed to have been served if the proposed
alterations have been tabled at two (2) scheduled meetings of the society
prior to the General Meeting. No alteration on the constitution shall take
effect unless it has been carried by a majority vote of those present at the
If the society
has to be dissolved for whatever reason, the assets of the society shall not
be distributed to the remaining members, but shall be donated to a suitable
organisation which supports or furthers the interests of philately such as a
supervisory philatelic organisation.
The committee may appoint a member of the society to be the
society archivist for such period as it considers appropriate. His/her
duties are to collect, to keep safely and to display material about, records
of & objects belonging to the society, which individual members do not need
to keep in order to carry out their functions. The archivist shall not, by
virtue of his/her office, have any voice in the management of the society.