Lanarkshire Philatelic Society


"Blood Transfusion"


Dr. Brian C. Dow



The theme of the meeting of the Lanarkshire Philatelic Society on Friday afternoon (7th) was "Blood Transfusion" and members were treated to a fascinating display!  This was presented by Dr. Brian C. Dow (formerly of the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service).


He began from World War 2 – 1940 - when blood was so needed for wounded soldiers – and displayed information re Blood Banks "Compelling Centres" which were created for this purpose. 


1946 saw the foundation of the NBTS (National Blood Transfusion Service) in response to the need for blood to treat injured civilians and service personnel. Various covers bearing "NBTS" in top corner were shown as were appointment cards for donors to give blood for the banks. 


An interesting cover was that sent during the Postal Strike of 1971 when the Union of Postal Workers members permitted such to be delivered without strike breaking.


Throughout the display, covers bearing the many slogans of the NBTS were shown; "Blood donors still urgently needed"; "Spare time to be a blood donor Enrol now"; "Blood donors save lives"; "Please give blood" & "Blood donors love life". Also various "Logos" developed through the years; one of the first being 2 entwined hearts below a crown.


In 1998 - on a UK postage stamp issued as part of a set celebrating 50 years of the National Health Service, the logo changed to two hands forming a heart. 


The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Association – was formed in 1940 and had a logo depicting a pelican nesting in a helmet and feeding her young with her own blood, on the background of a St Andrews Cross. Later (as the SNBT Society) the logo became a heart over an outline of St Andrews Cross. Also displayed were covers with a design by Peter Westwood marking the anniversary of the first Blood Banks with 1940/1990 interposed with Blood Bank logo. 


Then, the display moved abroad. Displayed in alphabetical order –  beginning from Äland and finishing with Zambia, members viewed a wonderful show of stamps, covers and slogans issued for the Blood Transfusion Service of each. Many such services are run by the Red Cross.


This was an amazing journey as there was a big difference in illustration! Arms with tubes in them; Blood dripping from arms; Patients giving blood; Drops of blood! Very colourful!  (And perhaps a little frightening!). Many Covers and Stamps that were issued for World Blood Donor Day 14th June 2007. Also covers and stamps issued for the "International Congress on Haematology". 


There were also some covers for "Organ and Tissue Donation"


Graham U’ren expressed thanks to Dr. Brian Dow for presenting a most informative and truly interesting display of this theme.


Our next meeting in the Caledonian Bowling Club, Motherwell Road, Hamilton, is on Friday, 21st February 2025, at 1:30pm when Ian Smith, of Largs Philatelic Society, will present "Jersey".


Anyone with an interest in stamps, postal history, postcards etc is very welcome to attend.