Lanarkshire Philatelic Society


"Here Today, Gone Tomorrow"


(former countries)


On Friday, 8th, February, members of the Lanarkshire Philatelic Society were mystified by the evening’s title "Here Today, Gone Tomorrow". 

The displays soon resolved the mystery! 

David Haig was the first to display and he showed stamps issued by Venda, Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Ciskei, South West Africa - all countries (or, in this instance, "homelands") which no longer exist separately - they all are now part of South Africa. 

Zanzibar has had a varied history - Derek Wiltshire displayed stamps issued there - all with the name, Zanzibar - but different issues showed the country’s connection with British India Post, with German Post, with French Post, as an Independent Republic, then the present as it has no separate stamps being part of Tanzania. 

Gordon Shepherd displayed stamps from Rhodesia which became Southern Rhodesia and now exists and issues stamps as Zimbabwe. This was followed by a display of stamps of North Eastern Rhodesia, which became Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia. He also showed stamps of British Central Africa, which became Rhodesia and Nyasaland, now Malawi. 

Bohemia and Moravia was established in 1939 as a new Protectorate under the German Occupation and Czech stamps were overprinted with the names. These were followed by stamps issued in the name of the Protectorate by Germany. After the German Occupation the names ceased as they are now part of the Czech Republic. Gary Cheyne presented this display.

After the break, Walter Tytherleigh gave a display of stamps issued by the Deutsche Demokratische Republik (East Germany)  which was set up in 1949 and comprised the former Russian Zone. In 1990 East Germany was absorbed into the German Federal Republic and ceased to exist.  

The final display, given by Sam Sankus, showed stamps of the Republic of South Maluku Selatan - although these were issued by the government-in-exile and are not accepted as genuine postage stamps. In 1950 the Republic was overthrown by Indonesia. 

Alex Magowan, gave thanks to all the members who, with their displays, gave such interesting historical and geographical information about the now "gone" countries.   

Thanks were also expressed to Ed Archer for organising the evening’s displays. 

Our next meeting in the Caledonian Bowling Club, Motherwell Road, Hamilton is on Friday, 8th March, 2013 at 7:30pm when members look forward to welcoming visitors from the Dunfermline Stamp Club.     

Anyone with an interest in stamps, postal history, postcards etc is very welcome to attend.