Lanarkshire Philatelic Society
"Chile & Columbia"
Mr. Anthony Duda
Anthony Duda of Helensburgh was the guest speaker at the Lanarkshire Philatelic Society last Friday, 4th February. The members were treated to a most inspiring display of philatelic material of two South American countries – Chile and Bolivar.
The Chilean display began from 1st July 1853 when stamps were engraved and printed by Perkins Bacon - but the colouring process caused many difficulties - there were examples shown of these discrepancies. The stamps showed the head of Christopher Columbus and had the words "Colon Chile". There was no perforation at this time.
The display continued showing the different companies who took over the lithographing, the proof printing and the publishing of the stamps through the next 50 years. This included the American Bank Note Company who introduced the first perforated stamp issue in 1867.
The display finished with the issues in 1910 for the Juan Fernandez Islands – Chilean stamps overprinted with the name "Islas de Juan Fernandez" along with the stamps issued by Chile to mark the Centenary of Independence – from the Spanish Crown.
After tea, Anthony continued with a display of philatelic material from Bolivar (one of the original 9 states of Colombia). The first stamps issued – in 1863-1866 showed the Seal of Bolivar, while the 1872-1878 issue showed the Coat of Arms. In 1879 – and continuing for many years after – the stamps bore an illustration of the head of Simon Bolivar. It was his military action that won Colombia its independence.
Also displayed were interesting "flaws" found on Bolivar stamps. Before the advent of the postmark – stamps were cancelled in varying ways – cross and pen strokes; single letter cancels; town name written in full across the stamp.
In 1903 the illustration of Simon Bolivar changed from his head to a bust of his head and shoulders.
This display ended with examples of the "Late Fee Stamps" – (Postage Dues!)
Terry Woods led members in giving the Vote of Thanks for such an interesting display of stamps, proofs, imperforations etc of the stamps of Chile and Bolivar.
Our next meeting in St Andrews Parish Church Hall, Avon Street, Hamilton, is on Friday, 18th February, 2011 at 7:30pm when member, Ken Norris, will display "British Cathedrals".
Anyone with an interest in stamps, postal history, postcards etc – and other collectable items - is very welcome to attend.