Lanarkshire Philatelic Society
"Members Night"
"Christmas Past"
"Christmas Past" was the theme at the recent Members’ Night of the Lanarkshire Philatelic Society (19th December) and a wonderful variety of interpretations were displayed.
Sheila Sinclair showed USA Christmas stamps from the first issue in 1962;
Matt Gibson had postcards from many past Christmases;
Eric Ross was climbing snowy mountains;
Brian Dow had interesting progressive colour proofs of Christmas stamps of Norway;
Bill Wilkie took us to South Africa with his display of Christmas Seals;
Ken Norris showed cancellations from different countries all depicting CHRISTKINDL; then off to Guernsey when Emslie MacPherson displayed the Christmas issues from there for the years 1990-1997;
Margaret Lyth, with stamps and postcards was remembering Christmas Past and looking to the future.
After the break – when many enjoyed mince pies – we were reminded of the truth of Christmas when Margaret Allan displayed stamps from round the world which showed the Nativity – and she also presented Christmas postcards used by the Forces during WW1;
Chris Moffat took us to the then newly formed Malawi – 1964 - and interested us with a cover bearing the first Christmas stamps issued in the Continent of Africa;
Alan Rushworth was extremely practical in his display of postcards with postmen delivering the Christmas mail;
Gordon Shepherd showed Christmas seals from Rhodesia (Zimbabwe);
Ken Liddell, instead of thinking of the past – was well ahead in the future – to 2010 when the Winter Olympics will be held in Vancouver;
Terry Woods showed interesting postcards of Curling on the river at Larkhall in winter 1906; and the evening was finished with Alan Wishart, commemorating the fact that the annual Christmas Ball was that evening being held at Glasgow University, showed covers and artefacts of the University.
Margaret Allan expressed thanks to Alan Wishart for his able sponsoring of the evening – and also gave praise to all for the wonderful variety of displays on the one theme which had been enjoyed by everyone.
Our next meeting in St Andrews Parish Church Hall is on Friday, 9th January, 2009 at 7:30pm when "The Committee Entertains". Anyone with an interest in stamps, postal history, postcards etc will be very welcome to attend.